Saturday, November 10, 2007


       Aqua-dots and ME:
   Well,  here's another toy re-call.  I should have known by the menacing name: Aqua dots.  Perhaps china has decided the fastest way to destroy a country is through there toys. I don't blame china though, of course;   This is Capitol ism strikes again. (I reserve the right to spell capitalism however I want)

      So there you are a fly on the wall in  a cooperate meeting at (Whose Your Daddy toy manufacturing company) WYD.  One of the junior executives brings to light that one of the toys WYD  is about to release my be laced with date rape drug GHB.  The executives then talk amongst themselves about the cost of putting real glue in the toy rather than said 
date rape drug.  They do a quick cost/benefit analysis and vwala.  They apparently determine that it is not cost effective to produce a child-safe product and release it to the masses.
           Why the title.  heh heh...
   We got a guy at work who really wants to be promoted so he went to then newspapers and had an article done about how great his boss is so he could get said promotion.   So it gave me ideas and well; now I am on the news.  This blog isn't really funny is it?  I'll go have a cream soda and hope for the best on the next one.

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