Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Maybe I am a Donkey

I have always said I was a Republican. I've never even really known the fundamental difference between the two. In my Mormon mind one party was "bad" and the other "good"; like black and white, pretty and ugly, fat and skinny. I know one party is in favor of abortion and the other largely is pro-life. This is the premise by which I have based my political affiliation? I guess growing up LDS in Salt Lake City one need not be educated, but simply think and do what everyone else does.
Well I'll tell ya. I now have an Opinion about one thing. Big business, I am not sure what that title really entails but I am tired of large corporations making me settle for poor service and bad product. And this, I'm told is the fault of a Republican government. There is a flow chart in my mind that goes like this. Republican Government gives tax breaks to large corporations in the name of economic prosperity (and votes). Large corporations succeed. Large corporations stamp out the competition (I thought this was monopoly). Here's the kicker. Large corporations only have to produce as much service or product that keeps them in business.
Example: Large Fancy Grocery store (LFG) opens up near you. You try it out. You like it because they have the appropriate number of checkers and you don't wait in line. So... you go back. LFG succeeds due to your patronism and Government tax breaks. The place you used to go, goes out of business. LFG now scales down the service, you wait in line forever, prices go up (some) and there are under-developed little girls selling you raffle tickets in the doorway.
Thank you Republicans and Capitalism. So everywhere we go we suffer with the poor service and bad product. An MBA Student recently confided in me that this is actually the plan. "The market will dictate the amount of service they must provide, if you don't like it you can go somewhere else" he said. Well, the somewhere else went out of business and now I would have to drive clear across town. :( :( So I hate this system. What ever you call it. Or whom ever you want to blame it on. But now everywhere I go I see business owners getting away with "just enough" to keep them in business. The health care system is riddled with this mentality. Airlines. bah.. I am gonna stop now... at least this gets the tampon of the front page.


BugHunter said...

That's all well and good brother, but do you know how the democrat/liberal/socialists would have it?

If they had their way, you would be being paid $12/hour. And if they didn't get away with that, your tax rate (given how much you make) would be so high, it would feel like $12/hour. Think about what that would do to you.

News flash, YOU are big corporation. Deep down you love capitalism. You love the fact that you worked hard paid your dues. Wiped some old person butts. Now you get paid well, as a limited resource.

Matt "The Bull" said...

well, I didn't say I am a donkey; I just dont know. I'd just prefer to see some morality in the whole deal.

Matt "The Bull" said...

And I can in no wise nerf my product, I have no option to decrease my service. It wouldn't be moral.

BugHunter said...

But look at the outragious price of having the priviledge of your company in an OR. We are capatalism. You could offer your services for the mere cost of supplies plus minimum wage couldn't you?

Matt "The Bull" said...

lol, add in cost of student loans :)

BugHunter said...

In a democrat world you wouldn't have those pesky student loans. They would have provided the education for you, assuming you were the one chosen to go into that field.

Matt "The Bull" said...

Well I was just informed that even in a Democratic government; Big Buisness would still get the tax breaks cuz big buisness buys whatever government is in power.
The culprit is capitalism.

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